Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth

Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth


At all times in history, humanity has experienced a collective version of reality that is commonly accepted. There are a number of reasons why this is so, whether out of convenience or simple ignorance. For each of us, though, life has a highest embodiment known as Potential.

Potential is the state of our optimal reality. As such, it is an expression of Truth. What is Truth but rightness, the way things are supposed to be? To achieve potential is to find and adhere to that which God intended. It is to rise above the myriad of illusions that shield us from how we and life are supposed to be and find the pure, intended form.

Who we are meant to be is a far greater truth than who we are trying to be or who we default to. Most people are unaware of who they really are. People generally find their identity through attachment with their ego or the inner dialog of the mind or through work, financial status, power, physical qualities, etc. But these are all apparitions, illusions that blind individuals to their true nature.

The true nature is the Authentic Self. This is who we truly are. It is essence; it is soul. To be authentic is to be genuine and true. If a luxury watch is authentic then it is true. It is not an impostor or liar. Only when we have stripped away the illusions of self can we reach our potential; the expression of true identity.

As well, the way life is supposed to be, or the nature of reality, is also often obscured by our perceptions. We are all indoctrinated from our births with collective beliefs about how things are and what is possible. We are taught what is reasonable in terms of our personal expectation and expression.

With expectation, we are trained to believe that there are certain established limits and that they cannot be surpassed. Until a person is a substantial way into their awakening these limits of expectation are seen as being true. How could they not be? They are imposed on us from before our earliest memories and reinforced by institutions, culture, and the beliefs of nearly all other members of society.

With expression, we are molded into certain stereotypes and programs which we are supposed to fulfill and live out. We are taught that we grow up to fulfill certain roles. Those roles have definable limits and are enforced universally. In reality, we all have specific roles. That we have uniquely individual functions, as opposed to blanket generalizations, is a realization that comes through greater spiritual acumen.

The programs of life that we are led to follow are equally prescriptions that undermine our individuality. These are abstractions such as “go to college, get a degree, get a good job, and retire happily-ever-after.” That such a plan applies to everyone is certainly a lie. Our life paths lead us in a billion different ways to our individual destinies. Our destiny is truth as it relates to us. It is who we were meant to be within the reality we were intended to live from before the beginning of time.

Such barriers to reality such as our perceptions of identity, expectation, and expression are just illusions. God has so much more for us. There is so much more built into us and into life than we have ever before realized. This highest ideal is Potential. This is the way things really are. This is Truth.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • “The greatest barrier to someone achieving their potential is their denial of it.” Simon Travaglia

Denial is a condition of refusing to believe the truth. There are all kinds of things we can be in denial in regarding our Potential. List out 3-5 denial points that you can observe about yourself in how you relate to your Potential.