Following Our Purpose To Reach Our Destiny

Following Our Purpose To Reach Our Destiny


All of us have a purpose in this life. That general purpose is to willingly and joyfully align with the Grand Plan. As you look around you, you can see that the universe is highly structured, exhibiting great order at all levels of scale. Every element, creature, and environmental system contributes to the Grand Plan to create a unified and harmonious expression of its Creator.

All participants in the Grand Plan contribute exactly as they are intended to. The rhinos behave as rhinos—perfectly. So does the water cycle. When was the last time you saw the oceans flood or the mountains tumble apart under the weight of a thousand feet of snow? Every last detail of every ecosystem or galaxy works smoothly, to its highest capacity, to ensure the faithful operation of the Grand Plan.

No participant ever does too little or too much. The role that every creature, thing, or process has is defined by Potential—how things are designed to work. We can see Potential faithfully realized throughout the ages.

But humans, despite being at the top of the food chain and having faculties no other creature has—presumably in the entire universe—are as a majority failing to reach it.

Instead, almost everyone (myself included for most of my life) is simply trying to make it through life. Most have no idea what their particular place in life even is. The misalignment of humanity from Potential creates a significant disharmony. Suffering among us is unprecedented. Suicide rates are steadily climbing. What other participant in the Grand Plan operates this way?

Mankind is alone in that we have not been granted the instincts of the animals. Left to our own devices we remain in darkness. We stumble our way through life in this ignorance until we obtain the awareness of our unique purpose for being here. Fortunately, awareness is becoming more prevalent in this modern age.

Most humans also have something unique among all the cosmos—free will.

There are plenty of reasons people find to not contribute in life. Fear, doubt, the desire for comfort or pleasure all can derail a promising life from reaching its own potential.

Nevertheless, all persons have a highest capacity of fulfilling their purpose in life. Some are fortunate enough to actually attain it. At the end of a person’s life, after they have been made aware of their purpose and have chosen to follow the path before them in reaching Potential, we say that they have achieved their destiny. Destiny is the fulfillment of our potential, the purpose that God prepared and intended for us to complete.

The greatest of recent examples that I can think of for this is the late Reverend Billy Graham. Billy was a decent child but did not commit his life to Christ until the age of 16. According to Graham, he didn’t receive his calling until several years later.

But receive a calling he did. And choose to follow that calling through many decades of faithful labor, he also did. Over the course of his life, he impacted millions of lives. In terms of one man’s purpose being realized to its potential, I can clearly say that Billy Graham fulfilled his destiny.

Sadly, countless others fail miserably in life to reach this mark. Destiny is available to all, however, as all have been each endowed with Potential. Man only need faithfully walk the path toward that destiny through awareness and acceptance of the call and he will reach his destiny.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • Who are some other amazing individuals who you can say are clearly in the process of or have achieved their destiny? What makes you believe they are at the level of destiny? What did they have to do to get there?
  • Fast forward in your mind to your last day on earth. What do you believe that your destiny would look like? What has to change in order for that to be realized?