Are We On The Cusp of A Tipping Point For Humanity?

Are We On The Cusp of A Tipping Point For Humanity?

. As I continue to meet people and to research the significance of our period in time I find more and more of a consensus, as well as my own personal intuition, that humanity is ready to break through into some new and expanded experience 

My Awakening Experience

My Awakening Experience

. My spiritual awakening was quite profound. By this I mean it was certainly attention-getting and marked a significant inflection point in my life.  When it occurred I was in my early forties, hovering at the cusp of a mid-life crisis, suffering and in despair 

Thoughts On Our Human Potential

Thoughts On Our Human Potential

.. One of my deepest passions as an awakened individual is contemplating what it means to be human at this time in our history and what our potential as a species is. Here are some key points of what I see as we continue our 

3 Reasons Why The Ego Loves Control

3 Reasons Why The Ego Loves Control

The ego. As a psychological construct, it maintains incredible control over our lives. By this incessant control, it brings a greater limitation to our experience and a far lesser degree of freedom. But why does it do so? What are its motivations for usurping the 

The Basics of Transpersonal Extropy

The Basics of Transpersonal Extropy

. The following blog is a revised and condensed version of the ebook, “What Is Transpersonal Extropy?” You can download a copy of the expanded document here, no email address required. . What is Transpersonal Extropy? Transpersonal Extropy (TE) is the idea that as we 

What Is the Ego and Is It Bad?

What Is the Ego and Is It Bad?

The ego is a psychological mechanism by which we find identity and through which we understand our world. Ultimately, it is similar to some type of operating system which brings the ability for interaction between our personal selves and our environment. In this sense, it 

Breaking Free From the Expectations of Others

Breaking Free From the Expectations of Others

  All of us, especially in our natural (unawakened) state find our lives bound by certain limits. Most of these are self-imposed but some are assumed. One such type of limit is found in the expectations of others. “Others” is a broad group and can 

Following Our Purpose To Reach Our Destiny

Following Our Purpose To Reach Our Destiny

  All of us have a purpose in this life. That general purpose is to willingly and joyfully align with the Grand Plan. As you look around you, you can see that the universe is highly structured, exhibiting great order at all levels of scale. 

Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth

Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth

  At all times in history, humanity has experienced a collective version of reality that is commonly accepted. There are a number of reasons why this is so, whether out of convenience or simple ignorance. For each of us, though, life has a highest embodiment 

A Favorable Universe

A Favorable Universe

  As you continue to grow stronger on your spiritual path and actualize your potential, you can do so knowing that you live in a favorable universe. It is 100% conducive to positive change and for manifesting the things that are beneficial to you and