3 Quick Hacks To Boost Your Confidence In A Hurry

3 Quick Hacks To Boost Your Confidence In A Hurry

Although confidence is meant to be an enduring quality there are times when we need to boost it real quick. Sometimes we need to be able to hack into our confidence before it is completely developed.

Here are three quick hacks to boost your confidence in a hurry:



Hack #1- Act Confident:

Even if you are short on confidence, act like nothing is wrong and play as though you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. People will surprisingly not know any better and you will invariably increase your confidence in the process.

As we act in confidence, slowly the feeling will take over on its own and carry us through. It’s one of the biggest undiscovered hacks of confidence.

Actors must act the role of the person they are playing. When they take on the persona they “become” that person. When we see an actor in a convincingly confident role, it is because they actually are confident as a result of acting that state out. We literally trick it into believing it is confident.

When we need a quick confidence hack, just faking it can get us through it.


“Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have.” Brian Tracy


Hack #2- Focus On Physiology:

The way that we carry ourselves with our posture, the way we alter our breathing, and even how we frame a smile are all aspects of physiology. The brilliant thing is that our physiology impacts our mental state. With this knowledge, we can hack physiology for our benefit.

In his book, Unlimited Power, Anthony Robbins advises us to imitate the physiology that we would have if we were already successful. He writes,

“Think of something you imagine you can’t do but would like to be able to do… Make your stance, breathing, and face reflect the physiology you’d have if you knew you could do it… When we feel strong and resourceful, we will attempt things we never would if we felt scared, weak, and tired.”

By altering your posture, breathing, and facial expression you can tap into confidence on the quick.


Hack #3- Practice Congruency:

Hack number three is really not much more than the combination of the first two. Congruence is about putting everything in agreement with your goal. What we say needs to match what we feel and what we do.

Anthony Robbins again elaborates,

“When my body and my words match, I’m giving clear signals to my brain that this is what I want to produce. …if the signals your body provides are weak or conflicting, the brain doesn’t have a clear sense of what to do.”

When our thoughts, feelings, and actions strongly align in a way that suggests confidence, we will be confident. If they don’t, there will be inner turmoil and that conflict compromises confidence.


What are your confidence hacks? Comment below!