Is Your Life Limitless Yet?

The following is a guest post from Ed Lester at While you are there download a copy of his 57 LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT ABUNDANCE.
My uncle never thinks about the beautiful beaches of the Maldives.
He doesn’t consciously say to himself “I’m not going to the Maldives“.
But he isn’t. And that’s the nature of the problem. He’s closed that particular door by saying again and again “I hate flying“.
Be wary of settling for less than you deserve and are capable of!
Every day we close and open doors in our consciousness.
As we get older we have to be VERY, very careful not to close too many of these doors. Otherwise we steadily suffocate our potential just like weeds suffocate flowers.
You know how as we get older we often make less new friends? This is an example of doors being unconsciously closed in our inner world.
Because logically speaking, there’s billions of friends out there. As many as there have always been.
There is no shortage or scarcity “Out there”.
But “In here” we often perceive it as being so.
Whenever we say “I don’t have time right now” or “That’s out of my reach” we are shutting a door to possibilities.
Being limitless is not about having unlimited money or time or anything else.
It’s about opening a door in your mind to the fact that unlimited money, time and everything else exists in abundant supply. And it’s only ever a cat’s whisker in distance away from our reach.
The universe is expanding. And your consciousness is part of that universe.
It’s not about your life being perfect now. It’s about living, breathing and believing that there is more than enough of everything available to you.
Truth = limitless internal energy and possibilities
>> Get Ultimate Abundance here and instead of running an internal bullying or “forcing” type conversation, you actually use kindness and positive energy to change your thoughts.
As soon as module 1, you already get to discover the “3 P’s” of breakthrough Self Hypnosis and Abundance Meditations.
And believe me, your life will soon be limitless just like you always wanted it to be.
Have an awesome day
Ed Lester
Ed Lester has been a celebrated writer and trainer in the personal development world for the last couple of decades. He founded a successful hypnotherapy school and a life coaching school in his beloved home country of New Zealand.
He has helped many thousands of people experience more freedom, abundance and happiness in their lives.
Aaron Force is a blogger from Seattle, Washington. He writes to educate others about the nature of an expanded consciousness to evolve humanity. Aaron unexpectedly experienced his own profound awakening and ego transcendence in 2015 and soon understood that the qualities of his own experience (a greater expansion and evolution in his life) could be applied to mankind collectively.