Tag: Truth

Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth

Our Potential Is An Expression of Truth

  At all times in history, humanity has experienced a collective version of reality that is commonly accepted. There are a number of reasons why this is so, whether out of convenience or simple ignorance. For each of us, though, life has a highest embodiment 

If You Want Respect, Be Authentic

If You Want Respect, Be Authentic

Have you ever noticed someone who was trying to be something more than they really were? This often plays out in someone trying to be someone they aren’t. It tends to come off as annoying more than anything else. We can sense it a mile 

Truth Is Absolute

Truth Is Absolute

Truth is absolute. This means that I don’t have my truth and you have your version of truth. Isn’t that how the world has been at war for thousands of years? One community of people hold a common position that they have a correct view 

Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

At its essence, spirituality involves awareness, acceptance, and alignment with universal Truth. I capitalize Truth because it is God’s very nature. It isn’t even a quality He created—it is who He is. Truth is the nature of reality which only makes sense—reality is what is