Tag: Suffering

A Favorable Universe

A Favorable Universe

  As you continue to grow stronger on your spiritual path and actualize your potential, you can do so knowing that you live in a favorable universe. It is 100% conducive to positive change and for manifesting the things that are beneficial to you and 

Awakening is a Global Movement Towards a More Unified Humanity

Awakening is a Global Movement Towards a More Unified Humanity

The awakening that has been occurring across the globe has many benefits. One of the most exciting in terms of possibility is that humanity is facing the prospect of going from a violent, self-serving and destructive state to one of infinitely greater harmony. As more 

Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

At its essence, spirituality involves awareness, acceptance, and alignment with universal Truth. I capitalize Truth because it is God’s very nature. It isn’t even a quality He created—it is who He is. Truth is the nature of reality which only makes sense—reality is what is 

Our Inner Dialog As The Source of Suffering

Our Inner Dialog As The Source of Suffering

More than anything else, could it be that suffering comes from words? In my experience, by words we create stories for ourselves that have the potential for empowerment but, more often than not, end up creating fear, doubt, or self-anger in ourselves. When life happens