
Opportunity Knocks Where The Welcome Mat Is Out

Opportunity Knocks Where The Welcome Mat Is Out

The universe is a place of great power. We can use faith or intention and the Law of Attraction to manifest great opportunities in our life. By these tools, we can influence the energy of the universe to work in our favor. Do you know 

What Is Your Contribution To Humanity?

What Is Your Contribution To Humanity?

Our calling is fulfilled through the offering of our contribution to mankind. This is the grand design—to help others and thereby help ourselves. It’s a beautifully spiritual principle. When we have a contribution that aligns with the strengths of our calling we can find a 

The Door To Our Calling

The Door To Our Calling

Finding our path in life can be stressful. We all want to know that we are on the path to our destiny. But what if time feels like it is running out? This was my story. But God showed me my calling and I believe 

The Key To Creativity

The Key To Creativity

“How to be more creative” is a topic that has fascinated me for years. As a student of design in the early ’90s, it became imperative for me to develop my creativity. I have a good working knowledge of the major techniques for enhancing creativity 

How To Harness The Power of the Universe

How To Harness The Power of the Universe

Faith, intention, God’s blessing. This represents the most exciting post I have written to date because it underscores my new understanding of the spiritual universe that God has given us to harness for a creative, growth-filled calling. I hope this article leaves you feeling as 

Be Real, Not Right

Be Real, Not Right

Perfectionism and fear of failure can keep us rigid and ineffective. These traits can hinder our success and successful connection with others. A little authenticity and humility can go a long way toward how the universe responds to us. Perfectionism has been a struggle for 

My Calling: It’s Not About Me

My Calling: It’s Not About Me

I felt so little growth and meaning before receiving my calling—it was so frustrating. I’ve learned that as I focus on the thing I am supposed to be doing it becomes less about me. Here are four benefits to a life not about me: It’s 

Is Your Life Limitless Yet?

Is Your Life Limitless Yet?

The following is a guest post from Ed Lester at While you are there download a copy of his 57 LAW OF ATTRACTION TIPS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT ABUNDANCE.   My uncle never thinks about the beautiful beaches of the Maldives. He doesn’t 

Gaining Momentum In Life

Gaining Momentum In Life

When I started down the tracks of my new calling progress was slow. Beginning anything new can be discouraging because it’s so hard to gain momentum. But when we are on the path of our contribution progress will always come. Isn’t it true that the 

The One Sure Way To Guarantee Success

The One Sure Way To Guarantee Success

We all struggle with success. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides that they don’t want to be successful. The problem for most of us is that we try to find that success in things that we aren’t ideally equipped for. But what if I