The Key To Abundance Is To Feel Abundant

The Key To Abundance Is To Feel Abundant


Abundance is to have more than enough. It is universally available to all but only some can say they are living a life of abundance. So why does it come so easy for some and seem to remain so far out of reach for others?

It might be easy to assume, at first glance, that the prosperity some people experience is simply a product of their ingenuity, hard work, and dedication. Those are absolutely key ingredients but not the secret ingredient. The piece that brings the whole puzzle together is feeling.

Feeling is the spiritual catalyst that unleashes the reaction of abundance we are looking for. All energy interacts with other energy and like vibrations tend to find and draw similar frequencies. The Law of Attraction says that we tend to invite into our life that which we think—and feel—whether good or bad.

This isn’t speculative theory; in fact, it is really quite intuitive. When you are angry or having a bad day you don’t attract good things that make you feel better—you almost always will only draw things into your life that reinforce your current, poor experience. When you are on Cloud 9 you are confident and your day just seems to go better. People want to be around you and even offer their help to you. We always draw into our life more of what we are feeling.

Abundance is no different. If we perceive lack we will reinforce those thoughts and feelings. In essence, it becomes a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. In like fashion, we can also manifest abundance into our lives.

I believe there are two types of feelings that most strongly generate abundance into our lives.

The first is a feeling of freedom. What does it feel like to be totally free? Imagine not being tied down to a job and having the ability to work your own hours or manage your day as you please. Consider what it would be like to have the freedom to create as you wish to. Think about how good it would feel to have the freedom to go anywhere you want to at any time you want to. Abundance brings freedom and so to attract abundance you need to think and feel that wonderful state.

The second important feeling is that of fulfillment. When you are fulfilled you already have all that you need. There is no lack; you are complete. This is so critical because if we feel lack at all we will only attract more of the same. Rather, focus on the feeling of having all you need (yes, including freedom). As you do you can’t help but manifest it in your life.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • Your energy is your “vibe” and with it you attract or repel the things that make up your reality. That energy, more than anything, is a reflection of how you feel. Make sure to pour generous amounts of attention on to feeling good.
  • The people you let in your life will directly affect how you feel. If you can find abundantly-minded people to spend your time with, then, by all means, do so. Their energy will impact your energy and lift the way you feel to a more empowering state.