Our Reality Is The One We Accept

Our Reality Is The One We Accept

The common-held belief of man is that the attainment of one’s potential is achieved through great planning, failing, powering forward and, ultimately, finding some form of higher state. Such means are widely respected and those who surpass mediocrity to embrace a higher potential are heralded as heroes.

In fact, that is the recurrent theme of folklore and epic quests throughout history—a commoner is thrust into an impossible situation and ultimately overcomes the inner and outer conflicts by the skin of his or her teeth to reach legendary status. Such makes a great story but is completely irrelevant to the person on a much more spiritual quest. To such a person, potential isn’t achieved through labor and toil but by attention.

The universe, as Deepak Chopra says, is a place of pure potentiality. Or, in other words, it is a place that is purely potential. This means that it holds, already, our highest versions of self and of the life we desire to lead. One merely has to bring attention to concepts of self and life that are of greater potential than the realities we accept now.

Our current reality is merely the version of reality that we give unremitting attention to and, ultimately, acceptance. If we choose this reality it goes without saying that we can choose another that is an expression of higher potential.

That we bring greater expectation and attention to a version of our lives with, say ten times the potential, is not by any means ten times as difficult or labor-intensive. In fact, it need not be any more difficult. Perhaps the only difficulty lies in the novice’s tentative belief in such a process. In fact, realizing our potential is utterly impossible until this chasm is crossed.

But with a little encouragement, it is really not so difficult at all to become accustomed to. At such point, as one does believe in himself or herself and trust the process, he or she merely needs to bring exuberant attention to the higher versions of self for them to materialize.

That what is attended to must manifest is universal law. All great researchers of the world’s most successful people and of the principles of success have come to this exact conclusion. People like Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, and many others have tested and proven the principle that what we clearly focus on will manifest itself into our life with equal clarity.

All those mentioned would quite definitely say that a person who realizes greater potential in this way can’t do so without doing anything —but all would also likely say one needn’t work significantly harder either. The only exertion that is needed is the diligence to determine a vision of one’s highest potential and hold fast to the constant attention and belief that is required to attain it. What we focus on expands; what we bring light to appears.



Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • Consider for several minutes your current state of reality. As you contemplate it and retrace the steps that have led you here, in what ways have you chosen—and continue to choose—this reality?
  • Take some time to journal a description of what you believe your life should look like. Your thoughts can include the things you believe you should be doing, who you become in the process of doing those things, and how you feel in your higher version of yourself or the quality of your life. This step may take courage for it is possible to believe that such things aren’t deserved or attainable. All you have to do is list them at this point without attaching such values to them.
  • As you develop a picture of what you, in your higher state of potential looks and feels like, begin, without judgment, to visualize this, not as a desire, but a current reality. As a place of pure potential, the universe does not care what is easy, difficult, probable, or impossible—focus on the version of reality you desire and it must come to pass.