Abundance Is Accessed In Spirit

Abundance Is Accessed In Spirit

It is a typical misconception for the natural person to believe in a limited nature of the universe. And, in a lot of ways, this seems to make sense. If we divide a pie up among our family, for instance, we usually have about enough for each person but often no more. We’d be hard-pressed to get enough slices to feed the entire neighborhood, let alone the whole world.

But, that is not how the spirit world works and we do ourselves a major disservice by trying to establish such a link where none exists. Jesus gave a great illustration to His followers after they had followed Him far from home. The curious onlookers numbered into the thousands and they had marched far into the wilderness, away from any storehouse of food. In a stunning miracle, Jesus gathered a few fish and loaves of bread from a young boy in the crowd and produced one of the greatest lessons He might have given.

After blessing the meal the baskets were passed around feeding everyone present with plenty of leftovers to spare. In this, He gave them—and us—a powerful teaching: that the spiritual universe is a place of great abundance and with God—in Spirit—there is no lack.

Without that divine interaction, only a few out of the thousands would have been fed. In the very logical but limited imagination of man, he finds himself manifesting lack out of his belief in lack and in that lack finds suffering. Imagine the misery that would have been felt among that community, already weary and feeling the effects of hunger, had there not been an intervention of abundance.

In our modern lives we, for the most part, still have a global perspective of lack. We hold that there is only a certain amount of anything to go around and, of course, that is to be expected of the physical. When something has form, that form defines limits. The edges of a thing, even of a concept, tell us it goes to here and no further.

Spirit, however, has no form and therefore has no limits. In Spirit, abundance is infinite. God has no lack. He is not limited in size, location, or time. He doesn’t have a limited amount of love. There are no limits of His ability to render assistance as is recorded in the history of His people. Spirit is infinite and if we can maintain that perspective and align with it through belief we can access that nature of spirit and release it into our lives.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • In what ways do you perceive lack in your life? Take some time for honest reflection and try to name as many ways as possible. The more that you can identify the bigger the change you can bring in your life.
  • With the areas of lack you have listed can you make a link to ways in which that thinking may have brought suffering into your life?
  • Take some time to contemplate what infinite abundance might look like. Try to find the courage to push your imagination to its full extent. Describe the feelings that you experience as you engage in this exercise.