Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

Truth Is The Cure To Our Insanity

At its essence, spirituality involves awareness, acceptance, and alignment with universal Truth. I capitalize Truth because it is God’s very nature. It isn’t even a quality He created—it is who He is.

Truth is the nature of reality which only makes sense—reality is what is real, as in genuine. In a commutative principle fashion, if Truth is the nature of God and of reality then God IS reality. God is love so love becomes our reality. God is unlimited so that is our reality too. God is eternal so we share that reality. To align with Truth is to align with God is to align with reality.

To align with reality is to find sanity. In that sanity, we overcome our suffering for what is suffering but ultimately the result of insanity? The insane live in a land of confusion with no concept of which way is up or out, right or wrong, or even what is possible. To be insane is to be in a place of mental chaos where clarity and stability are elusive. It is to believe that there is no Truth or that, at very least, it can be manipulated to fit out concepts of reality. How many people do you know in life who lead lives similar to that?

But lives based on Truth come full-circle to exhibit clarity, direction, fulfillment, and meaning. To embrace Truth is to find harmony with both the physical and spiritual universes—each of which are fashioned in the same reliable nature of their Creator.

The physical universe is governed entirely by Truth. Such universal laws as gravity, thermodynamics, or Newtonian or quantum mechanics always work in similar fashion in their respective ways. We would never expect gravity to reverse direction for instance. That would be insanity. As God is, the traits of His creation are immutable. How mad would we be if we lived under the assumption that the universal laws were something that they are not or that they exist based on our perspective of them?

And so it is in the spiritual universe. We live lives of madness when we are contrary to its reality. The true nature of the spiritual universe is that there are no limits and yet our first tendency is to attempt to impose them on ourselves and others. This is because man, in his natural state, seeks control over reality.

The first account of sin was not Adam and Eve’s but Lucifer’s. His desire was to be God Himself and therefore usurp ALL control. And, with his fall to earth, his pride was passed to us like the plague that it is.

To try to take the reigns of control in life is perhaps the greatest madness there is. In the attempt to wrangle control for ourselves is to attempt to wrest the very nature of God—Truth—the way things are—from God Himself.

To ponder it seems absolute folly and yet that is the Modus Operandi of our lives. Trying to gain control is to try to manipulate reality itself. Reality—Truth—can never be undone and in our false expectations, we find desires that can never be met. This is the cause of suffering, our insanity. But to align with Truth is to bring absolute harmony.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • In what ways have you misaligned with Truth and experienced suffering for it? How could you have instead found alignment with Truth and what results might that change have brought?
  • Try to list 3-5 characteristics of reality and the potential ways you might violate those if not cautious. What might the results be?
  • What are some words that might be used to describe the process of committing to Truth? Hint: “Surrender” could be a critical part of that description.