3 Powerful Steps To Improve Your intuition
![3 Powerful Steps To Improve Your intuition](http://aaronforce.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Intuition-Feature.jpg)
I believe that our intuition is one of our most underused yet biggest opportunities for amazing growth and success in life. It has fundamentally changed how I process information and make decisions. As such, I think it has become one of the biggest reasons for my increased clarity, the likes of which I have never seen before in my life.
So how can you develop your intuition?
We all have it but if you want to improve it further let me give you three tips for enhancing it in your life:
1- Trust In It
Intuition is a spiritual sense but our world is not very conducive to promoting the spiritual. It’s a facts-and-evidence-based society we live in and the spiritual sometimes gets pushed to the side as mere voodoo.
But this is a spiritual world and we are spiritual beings.
We have to be strong enough to resist the prevalent world-view that says things only count if they can be measured.
It takes a certain courage to step outside of facts and data and trust your feelings. But the only way to develop your intuition is to, in fact, trust it.
By trusting you will finally begin to listen to it.
Listen for the impressions that come to you and don’t dismiss them. They’ve likely been tapping you on the shoulder for some time now but you haven’t given them the credence they deserve.
Treat this phase like a brainstorming session where no idea can get shut down and nothing is off limits. As impressions come to you throughout the day begin to write them down—having a rather nice journal for just this activity might help you elevate its importance to you.
Write them all down—don’t discriminate. I think you might be surprised how many interesting ideas actually come your way in a day that you have otherwise been shutting out.
Related: “What Is The Difference Between Inspiration And Intuition?”
2- Implement It
The first step gets to really be fun. It’s actually kind of empowering to have so many fresh ideas to work with, so many potential directions to take.
But if the first step could be described as fun and empowering the second is more of an adventure.
This is where the rubber meets the road. Implementing anything new can be a little scary and requires some measure of courage.
As we gain the faith to trust our intuition and use it we find a few things happening:
- We see results which begin to encourage us to trust it more.
- Our intuition gets stronger. It’s like a muscle that becomes more responsive.
- We find a great authenticity in the directions it takes us. The ideas we implement are fresh and not bound by previous assumptions that data or conventional thinking would typically lead us to.
3- Stretch It
But our intuition can grow even more as we stretch it to newer levels. This means when the stakes increase, we keep trusting it and implementing it. As the decisions increase from which lunch to buy, to which car, and on to which major business decision to make, keep with it.
This is a good reminder to not completely avoid facts. Data can reveal a lot of useful information.
But you can also trust your intuition even when there is a lot at stake.
Steve Jobs said,
“I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis.”
What a lot of people don’t know about Jobs is that he was a very spiritual person. I wasn’t aware of that when he was alive but now that know it, it seems so clear now.
Apple products are known for being intuitive. Anybody can step right into them and they make sense to use. They are also fun and stylish. They are innovative. To me, it is obvious that there is a spiritual sense behind them. There is an absolute life about these products.
Compare these products to almost all other hardware and devices available on the market during their major releases. They are clunky, stale, and rigidly logic based. It’s obvious that teams of people followed the unwritten book of rules and questioned nothing.
Jobs clearly led Apple to the heights of the tech industry. This is a big dollars game with plenty at stake including jobs and profits.
Yet Jobs had the courage to trust his intuition at the highest levels of responsibility and find great success. He clearly believed that intuition was not limited to small playing fields. Who knows where the company would be today if he were still alive.
Take Away
Intuition isn’t taught in schools or often encouraged in the workplace. It’s a subject that is often ignored. As such, it can be difficult to know how to respond to it or even decide if it’s worth our attention.
But I am here to tell you it is.
If you haven’t given it much focus before I encourage you to implement these three steps. It’s a great starting point. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
How have you used intuition in your life?
Aaron Force is a blogger from Seattle, Washington. He writes from a point of authenticity, as an outpouring of a spiritual calling and awakening that occurred in April of 2015. His purpose is to help better the lives of his readers with instruction, insight, and inspiration related to spirituality and self-improvement. The story of his remarkable calling can be found (here).
Aaron Force is a blogger from Seattle, Washington. He writes to educate others about the nature of an expanded consciousness to evolve humanity. Aaron unexpectedly experienced his own profound awakening and ego transcendence in 2015 and soon understood that the qualities of his own experience (a greater expansion and evolution in his life) could be applied to mankind collectively.