Opportunity Knocks Where The Welcome Mat Is Out

Opportunity Knocks Where The Welcome Mat Is Out

The universe is a place of great power. We can use faith or intention and the Law of Attraction to manifest great opportunities in our life. By these tools, we can influence the energy of the universe to work in our favor.

Do you know anybody who is really successful? I’m talking about the kind of person who everything they touch turns to gold. It seems as if they get all the right breaks.

I remember my dad referring to this phenomenon quite frequently. He would comment about how unlucky he was and that certain others were always drowning in opportunities.


Gee, George

I remember a couple of people in his life that fit that description perfectly. They had that certain something that oozed success and it came through in everything from how they handled themselves to how they dressed. They could find business deals hand-over-fist that always turned into cash cows. I was young—I didn’t really know these facts for sure—but I could just tell.

Both men were named George. One was a Realtor and the other a very successful builder that my dad did sub-contract work for.

The George’s were cool and calm in everything. They seemed so assured of themselves. And that kind of assurance only comes when a person is prepared for and expectant of opportunity. And I believe now they were so expectant because they were keenly aware that the right thoughts, emotions, and actions would always produce the results they were looking for.

It’s like they knew the lottery numbers the day before—every time.

They confidently played their numbers like they had a hundred times before and watched as the numbers they picked were read in front of them.

They put the right vibes out into the universe that said the welcome mat was out and the universe ALWAYS came knocking. That’s exactly how at 8 or 12 years old I could sense their success (their suits and cars supported the case pretty well too). I could literally feel their energy.


The Energy of Attraction

Everything in the physical universe is energy. All matter is just the manifestation of energy in different forms. When we interact with matter and energy it responds to us.

Physics tells us that when we push on a wall it pushes back. It counters the energy we supply.

And we know the gravity of the moon causes the oceans to rise and stretch upward. The energy in our earth and the moon is attracted to each other.

Like so many things the physical universe makes great metaphors to help us comprehend the unseen.


The Spiritual Universe

There is a spiritual universe too and it also is full of energy.

Our thoughts and intentions, our faith, is emitted into this universe and likewise “attracts”. Scientists can hook a person up to a machine and monitor the energy frequency of their thoughts. We emit these thoughts, this energy, out into the universe and by God’s design, we get a result.

God commands us in His word to be joyful . As we emit thoughts and feelings of joy we find our lives become filled with more good things to be joyful for.

He commands us to focus on all things lovely and pure. As we elevate the frequency of our thoughts with truly positive thinking we find the circumstances of life becoming more positive.

And God commands us to live by faith. As we walk in pure intention of mind—a trust and conviction that God will supply through the system of the universe—we find ourselves surrounded with the miraculous.


The Law of Attraction

When you put out the right kind of vibe, an energy frequency that aligns with what exactly what you want the universe to offer, you can’t help but draw opportunity to you—it’s the universal Law of Attraction.

Like will always attract like in this universe.

If you need more money start thinking empowering thoughts about wealth, not energy-sapping thoughts of poverty.

If you are in an emotional rut stop thinking depressing thoughts and find things—anything—to be exceedingly joyful about.

If you are tired and sick, stop thinking about it! Instead, fill your mind with thoughts of health and vitality. Imagine yourself energized and productive. Faith is the assurance of things unseen so with conviction start seeing yourself just as healthy as you can possibly be as if you already were.


Take Away

People like the George’s somehow knew, and my dad, unfortunately, didn’t, that the energy you emit will always draw back to you in like-kind. When you are optimistically expectant the opportunities you seek will find their way to you.

You just have to have your welcome mat out.

Be expectant. Do everything you can to welcome the results that you want. Then imagine them as already having come to pass.

Your intention will ping the universe and it will respond.

Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

The key is to believe that you (past tense) have already received it. See it in your mind, feel the gratitude for having it, act as if you have it, and it will come.

And remember, Opportunity knocks where the welcome mat is out (tweet this)


Hello, my name is Aaron Force. I’m a blogger based in Seattle, Washington. I’ve been spiritually-minded for most of my life. Unfortunately, I’ve been carnally-minded for at least as much. I felt a seed of greatness hidden somewhere deep down inside but was blinded from it. That is until I experienced an honest-to-goodness calling and moment of awakening. I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. But I’m here to tell my story and maybe, just maybe, help you become aware of an even more amazing universe than the one your rational mind already knows.