How To Harness The Power of the Universe

How To Harness The Power of the Universe

Faith, intention, God’s blessing. This represents the most exciting post I have written to date because it underscores my new understanding of the spiritual universe that God has given us to harness for a creative, growth-filled calling. I hope this article leaves you feeling as empowered as the concepts behind it do me.

It does seem like a little bit of a duh-moment to say that I believe in a spiritual dimension. I have believed that for most of my life. But I now realize that I can interact with it in ways that can benefit myself and others.

The power of the unseen universe is seen in the undeniable fact that every cause has an effect. (tweet this)

In the physical world if we drop a bowling ball from the top of a skyscraper it’s going to take off toward the ground. It’s attracted to it in a big way.

That bowling ball is imbued with a certain type of energy (in this case, Potential) that the earth is just thirsting for. It’s physical law that the two are drawn to each other. In this attraction, any one of us can see that a particular cause always produces an effect. The physical universe responds to the energy we put into it.


Introducing the Spiritual Universe

In the same way, there are universal laws that govern the unseen.

If I love people I will find love returning to me. If I give to God’s work or others more will be returned to me. And it’s not even much of a stretch to say that if I expect goodness it will find me.

I just believe that, as He set up a physical universe with laws that we can interact with, so God has created an unseen universe that we can interact with. As we do, the principles themselves bless or curse us. A certain cause produces a reproducible effect.

If I step in front of a train does that mean God punished me for my really stupid decision? No, it just means I reaped pain from the bad decision sown. The action committed (the energy I input) caused a very predictable effect. God set the physically universal laws in place and I violated them.

If I live my life obnoxiously and drive everyone away from me, is my isolation directly a result of God’s hand? Maybe. But, I would say more-than-likely I simply violated spiritual law, namely, the one about treating others how I would want to be treated.

The universe, His system of cause-and-effect principles, responds to the violation. It reacts to the particular type of energy—the negative intention—that we give it because that is universal law. It happens regardless of Gods further input.


The Blessing of the Universe

But, just as the universe responds to negative input with negative results, it can bring fantastic results with positive input.

As I offer the universe a mindset of expectation I am returned with opportunities. As I bless humanity with my contribution I am rewarded with blessings of my own. As I live with faith and intention I manifest results just like Jesus said we could. The good energy I instill into the system kicks predictable results back out.

The more I gain an understanding of it, it’s almost as if the universe is opening up for me in unimaginable ways. Opportunity is everywhere.

And it truly feels like magic.

Regardless of whether I feel I deserve it or not (because the universe is 100% objective), I can emit thoughts or commit actions that the universe will respond to. By my own intention I can drive blessing to myself. I can send it to others.

I can offer it as much positive intention as I want to and reap as many blessings in return as I am ready to receive. I am in the driver’s seat.


Interacting With the Universe

I don’t believe that leveraging these principles offends God—they are His principles and it seems He wants us to wisely and joyfully live by them. He didn’t create the physical universe for us to be hands-off. Our enjoyment, our livelihood, our survival is required by interaction with it. I believe the spiritual universe is the same way.

His promises are overwhelming if we would just believe them. (tweet this)

The implications are staggering.

I can know that if I input the right kind of energy (positive intention) into the system I will ALWAYS get a return. It might not always come in exactly the form I expect but it will be a direct result of—a manifestation of—that energy. Like always attracts like in this universe.

Florence Scovel-Shinn stated in The Game of Life and How To Play It:

“The Game of Life is a game of boomerangs. Man’s thoughts, deeds and words, return to him sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.”

That’s because of the cause-and-effect tendency of the universe. Our “thoughts, deeds and words” will always come back to us in some kind of manifested form.


Take Away

If you want more out of life the key is clear to me. You must emit the right kind of energy in your thoughts and through your actions. You must put in motion the right kind of cause. When you do, with real intention and expectation, you will get a response. It might just be a small ping at first. But look for it nonetheless. I believe you will find it.

If you are just beginning you likely haven’t emitted much of that right kind of energy yet. You might only be able to produce a grain of sand to drop from that skyscraper. But even that little mass will have some measurable impact.

As you get better at it, the power of your intention is going to grow strong and dense, much more like that bowling ball. Once you get to that level and release it you (and others) are going to notice it. The repercussions are going to get a whole lot more real.

If you haven’t tried it, get started. If you’ve started and haven’t seen many results, keep working at it. Your habits, and corresponding successes will build on one another. Pretty soon you are going to feel like you are dropping a freight train from the top of the Empire State Building.

Harness that energy and let it go. The universe will take care of it from there.


Hello, my name is Aaron Force. I’m a blogger based in Seattle, Washington. I’ve been spiritually-minded for most of my life. Unfortunately, I’ve been carnally-minded for at least as much. I felt a seed of greatness hidden somewhere deep down inside but was blinded from it. That is until I experienced an honest-to-goodness calling and moment of awakening. I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. But I’m here to tell my story and maybe, just maybe, help you become aware of an even more amazing universe than the one your rational mind already knows.