The Primal Nature of Spirit

The Primal Nature of Spirit

Spirituality is really about finding yourself and the nature of life in a more primal way. It is to reject aspects of a “civilized” state and accept the fundamental experience of spirit. It is to find essence at the expense of illusion.

By primal, I mean that spirit has a foundational quality that is clearly substantial on its own merits. It is completely sound apart from any intervention on the part of man. If humanity were removed from the face of the earth all things primal would still remain and perhaps even thrive, unhindered by the presence of man.

This quality of primality, the rejection of civility in the sense of imposing man’s view of order, is to experience life on its own terms. It is to subject oneself or surrender to the greater order of the universe. While the concept of surrender may cause anxiety in some people it is, in fact, the greatest source of freedom that could possibly be known.

Mankind has a tendency to attempt to civilize nature and all aspects of life itself. Where left to itself life maintains its own stable order but such primal quality is far too unrefined for man’s comfort. We are, by nature, imposing creatures meaning we desire to control. Rules, both written and unwritten, laws, regulations, codes and so forth are enacted and accepted as part and parcel of life because it is in man’s nature to create and live by such constructs.

But all that imposed structure is burdensome. It’s plain tiring to be a participant of civilization, willing or otherwise. That’s why it is so refreshing, for instance, to get back into nature. To feel the rain or sun upon your skin and smell the trees or the soil, or to even experience a little “danger” is invigorating. And the reason is that it is a stripping away of all the artificiality in our lives. It is literally freeing to shed-off all of the constructed order.

But we don’t have to sneak away to the wilderness every day to experience such a primal quality. By embracing spirit we do just the same thing. By freeing ourselves from the constructs of thought or non-empowering belief, or ego, we can simply BE. Being is a spiritual state where we lose all the layers between us and spirit and experience our timeless nature and that of the world around us.

In the natural universe, prior to man’s reign, the world did not implode. Man is not the savior of the earth; not by any means. And so it is true that our mental constructs are not necessary, or even helpful, in the spiritual realm. Things do quite well without us; “us” being our constructed natures, most often manifested in our egos.

When many people think of the concept of primality, the picture that comes to mind is chaos and even danger. There are no rules to protect us, after all. But such is not nearly so fragile and dangerous to our well-being as our imposed constructs that attempt to stabilize and civilize the primal nature.

Primal is the natural order of things and if we can just trust that, we will see for ourselves that it will take care of us as we find our own primal state. If we can remove our constructed civility we too can be primal. To be so is to align with the true nature of the universe and, in so doing, find the harmony we are so desperately seeking by imposing order.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • Without judgment list all of the things that come to mind when you think of the word, “Primal.” Do you see any of these qualities in yourself or have you had a tendency of avoiding some of these qualities you have written down?
  • In what ways have you attempted to impose order (to civilize) your life? Have these actions led to greater peace or joy or have they pulled you further from them?
  • What do you believe would happen to the quality of your life if you were to strip away some of the imposed order and simple “Be”? Would life be easier or would it be more difficult?