Our Joy Comes In Our Completeness

Our Joy Comes In Our Completeness

We often experience panic in life because something feels amiss. We feel discontent because we perceive that we are lost as if floating in space. We sense that we just don’t quite fit like we are a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. This comes, of course, because we are isolated. We are incomplete because of our disconnection.

The spiritual person, however, finds joy and peace in their completeness. When someone is complete, in the purely etymological sense of the word, they are perfect. Perfection is simply the state of being whole and not in lack of anything. It’s when we feel that we don’t have everything together that we experience inner turmoil.

But when we are “perfect” so is life. Have you ever said to yourself that, “Life just feels perfect right now?” That is because nothing is amiss and everything is just as it should be.

Our completeness, or perfection, comes in our connection. In our natural states we live dualistic lives, apart from God but even more so from the nature of the universe. I make the distinction because I was a practicing Evangelical Christian for decades before I was awakened to the understanding of the universe in which I had bumbled through all those years. My allegiance to Christ has not changed but I have a more complete sense of who I am and the environment—the universal field—of which I live in.

In that awakening, I experienced the slow fading of my duality to come to the realization that I am in the universe and it in me. There is a connection so deep that we find completion in each other. The universe is a place of potentiality but if it doesn’t have our conscious presence to interact with it what good is it? To be a state of pure potentiality without the opportunity for expression is worthless.

Similarly, we are limited in our nature until we can shed our concepts of dualism and find our place in the universe. Until we discover the concept of potential we are sorry souls indeed. If we can’t see and move into higher states of potential we are truly locked into natural man’s mortal downfall—limits.

The prison-like nature of our confines is as sad as watching a tiger waste away in a cage. The absence of true freedom is to produce the opposite conditions of joy and peace, bringing inner discord and, ultimately, frustration and depression.

As the universe needs us for expression so we need it to shed our limits and realize our potential. When we do, we are loosed and find joy in our completion. To achieve that connection is to find singularity in much the same way as night with day, the ocean with the shore, husband with wife. Although technically distinct the two become one as they find their meaning in each other. In our union with the universe, we can come to experience great joy and peace. In our connection we are complete.


Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • Imagine a time as a child when you were separated from one or both of your parents or caregivers. Perhaps someone left or died. Maybe your parents separated or divorced. It could be that you were lost, having slipped away from their view. Recall the feelings that you had in those situations. In what ways did you feel incomplete and was it possible to feel joy or peace in the midst of that experience?
  • Consider for a moment what it would feel like to not only know your true identity but your place in this world. What would that experience be like?
  • If you have questions about the concepts of completeness as discussed here leave a comment and I will attempt to help you work through them. Please be as specific as possible as to the clarification you need.