Truth Is Absolute

Truth Is Absolute

Truth is absolute. This means that I don’t have my truth and you have your version of truth. Isn’t that how the world has been at war for thousands of years? One community of people hold a common position that they have a correct view of the world and others, who may not agree, take ground in an opposing viewpoint. Each group believes they have the correct understanding of life; that they are the true beholders of truth.

As a group of people or even a few individuals begin to establish a particular perspective (such as certain liberals believing only they are right or conservatives holding that their position is the only correct one; or that this religion believes with absolute certainty that it will make your life better as opposed to atheists who proclaim that only their viewpoint makes sense), they begin to find identity in such belief.

Attaching our identity to a particular way of thinking makes us very intimately intertwined with it and we cannot isolate ourselves from our positions without easily getting offended. By finding identity in outside concepts we find that those bonds become very strong. We produce a worldview that supports our logic and this all-encompassing way of looking at life becomes “our truth.”

But Truth does not work that way.

A group of people can circle a statue and find twenty different perspectives of that work of art. On one side a person could state that they have the correct view and a person on the other side could refute it. All would see something slightly different and because their viewpoint is clear as day to them based on their perspective—and because they cannot readily see the alternate viewpoints by the nature of having an isolated, fixed position—they cling emphatically to their “rightness.”

But the statue simply IS. It exists free from value or judgment. In its IS-ness it expresses Truth and does so independently of the opinions and beliefs of man. It has being and authenticity independent of the viewpoints of anyone experiencing it.

Truth is not based on individual perspective—that would be hopeless and chaotic. To have no unifying Truth would be truly discouraging. In that condition we would all feel the never-ending pressure to uphold our own viewpoint and, in that, everyone would miss the mark. By believing Truth is inherent in our specific interpretation of it is dangerous indeed.

The belief in personal truth leads to suffering. By fighting for my truth and you fighting for your truth we find only discord. Within our personal experience, too, we find disappointment in the discrepancies that our version of truth brings as it ultimately proves untrue for us. Anything other than genuine Truth is an illusion—or more accurately, a deception—that eventually, in its falseness, lets us down.

When we maintain a belief in personal truth, ego runs free and in that dominance of “self” we lose touch with spirit. To live in spirit and to know the joy that comes with it necessitates the existence of singular Truth. No peace can be found without it. Only by acceptance of a universal Truth can we all be unified. Only by setting our bearings to a common ground, which fortunately exists in the sacredness of Truth, can we achieve harmony.



Closing Thoughts and Questions

Feel free to journal your thoughts or leave a comment or comments below to generate further discussion:

  • What strong positions or agendas do you maintain? These could be political or religious stances, for instance. By stepping back and observing them objectively, what do you see? Do you seem to find your identity in them? Is your view the only correct view regarding them? Do they bring you peace or uneasiness?
  • Truth exists independent of our input. We do not create it or even modify it but we can surrender to it. As you go about your life try to objectively discover Truth apart from your involvement. This requires as ego-less of an environment as possible. Even in your smallest discoveries notice the joy and peace that is experienced in that revelation. This is the power of appreciating Truth in your daily existence.