4 Lessons Learned From A Spiritual Calling

4 Lessons Learned From A Spiritual Calling

Receiving a spiritual calling and becoming spiritually aware are life-changing events. The awakening I’ve had to God and the universe has opened up limitless possibilities for me in achieving that calling. Read on to learn the four lessons that came out of that supernatural experience.

Before my calling I really couldn’t see any ability in my life to achieve much at all or make any real impact. It’s somewhat understandable as since I nearly always felt that way, I never did achieve much and so didn’t have a yardstick to measure by.

I was mentally trapped. I had all of these self-imposed limitations and a vision that stopped two feet in front of my face.

But then there was a day where I was hit with a great awareness—my calling. From that day on my life was never the same again.

That experience taught me four things about receiving a supernatural calling:


1- Ability

Once that day happened I realized that one reason I didn’t feel I had the ability to achieve greatness before was that I was not yet invested in my TRUE contribution. There were things I dabbled in and did to get by but they did not fuel my passion and I wasn’t ideally gifted for them.

I just wasn’t that good at a lot of things and they didn’t really interest me.

As soon as I allowed myself to experiment in this new arena, though, I found my desire was unstoppable. I was into something I was truly excited about because I found the thing I was programmed to do. I had untapped skills to excel at it and a desire to engage it that I never knew I had.

My calling began to bring me success and fulfillment because I was crafted so perfectly for it.

My strengths, my desires, my experiences all led to a perfect fit. It was as if all cylinders were finally firing.

Lesson #1: I can find success in my calling because I will have a natural gift for it.


2- Anointing

I began to also understand that God would never call me or anyone to be mediocre. If He was the one calling me to something He was going to ensure it’s success.

Moses was not mediocre. Joshua wasn’t either. And Paul, certainly not.

When I think about this most unlikely of apostles, Paul caused more growth for the early church than likely any human since then has caused in any movement. The only explanation I can think of for this incredible success is that God’s hand was on Paul and allowed his work to be successful beyond anything Paul could imagine.

The Bible has a term for this phenomenon—anointing.

When someone was divinely appointed to a monumental task or position, say a king, he would be anointed in a ceremony that physically represented the spiritual dousing of God’s Spirit on the person. Whenever someone appointed was anointed that meant it was going to be successful by God’s very own hand—He would ensure it.

Many ceremonial practices at the time of the Old Covenant were often visuals of how things would be after the incarnation of Christ.

It’s my opinion that the outward representation of anointing was a foreshadowing of the divine anointing that the Spirit gives us in the era, Anno Domini.

When God appoints us to His work He pours His Spirit over us like the holy oil of centuries past. He leads the effort with supernatural blessing and protection.

I believe now that if God calls me to it He will make me successful at it. Not just mildly successful but, as long as I am faithful, He will bring me to a point of seeing greatness.

Lesson #2: I can find success in my calling because God will anoint it.


3- Awareness

Another interesting thing began to come to my attention after that day. With my calling came a real awakening in general. Although I had a spiritual understanding for most of my life it was apparently quite shallow. That is because what I see and understand now is so much clearer. In the months and years after the calling, I realized I was becoming more and more aware.

My hunch is that God allowed this to happen to help me grow to be able to rise to the challenge He had given me. My calling and contribution are divinely appointed so it seems to make sense that I need a spiritual understanding to fulfill those responsibilities effectively. Gladly, God has not left the responsibility to communicate wisdom to tens of thousands of people to me in my purely carnal state.

He supports me with His presence and has given me a greater understanding of the universe to back me.

This awareness I began to experience—of who I really am, of what God thinks of and expects of me, of this previously nebulous idea of the universe and how I relate to it—opened my mind to accept a new reality. A reality where I am made in the image of God, the great Creator, commissioned to create and build great things. As my mentality changed from closed to open I began receiving greater wisdom from God than He had ever given me before. My intuition has grown stronger. I have a practical understanding of faith that I never had before.

My awareness brings greater fulfillment in life. I see how I relate to all other things both in my contribution and in simply being my authentic self.

I am a gentler person and able to be more empathetic with others. I don’t sweat the small stuff because I know there is a plan and that I can rely on the universe to help me create and provide my contribution.

I knew God before but not that there was a formless, infinite universe of divine energy that responds to my thoughts, emotions, intention, and faith. I read in the Bible for decades about faith without any real concept of how it works. Awareness changed that.

Lesson #3: A spiritual calling also brings awareness.


4- Attraction

Because I now believed I was destined for greatness I started to voraciously read anything I could about success. I began to read about other people’s experiences of awareness. I started to study and practice writing, blogging, and public speaking.

Once I STARTED to invest in something new that would be helpful to my journey, more and more relevant things started to find their way in front of me. I would find all of the right books at thrift stores—I mean exactly the right ones that would speak to a missing link I needed right then. This happened multiple times.

I can’t tell you how many times I would be impressed with a new concept to explore only to find some obscure book that perfectly echoed the thoughts I was already formulating. I would constantly find confirmation and, where needed, clarification, from those who had paved a way before me.

I would find some nugget within a hidden blog post somewhere that would lead me on another trail that I needed to be on.

Everything, everywhere on this journey began to contribute and snowball. I soon felt like all I had to do was show up and the knowledge I needed would pursue ME.

Lesson #4: When we act and think with intent we draw every resource we need to fulfill our calling.


Take Away

On the day of my calling an awareness hit that blew open the limits on my mind. The rules had suddenly changed. There was now a new context, a new world I was part of. Once I broke through, looking back, those limits seemed as fragile as thin ice. But, at the time, they felt like a vault. It took some new knowledge—some very key new knowledge—but once I had it my whole paradigm shifted.

I firmly believe because all of this has happened to me it can happen to you too.

If you have not experienced a calling or awakening the first thing I would encourage is to be aware of it. Quantum physicists are telling us that observation alone influences the physical world we live in. Since the physical universe so often reflects the spiritual I believe our attention can also influence it.

Become receptive to it by expecting it. Earnestly pray for it. God tells us our persistent prayers get answered.

Once that prayer is answered please let me know your experiences with the 4 lessons I shared above.


Hello, my name is Aaron Force. I’m a blogger based in Seattle, Washington. I’ve been spiritually-minded for most of my life. Unfortunately, I’ve been carnally-minded for at least as much. I felt a seed of greatness hidden somewhere deep down inside but was blinded from it. That is until I experienced an honest-to-goodness calling and moment of awakening. I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. But I’m here to tell my story and maybe, just maybe, help you become aware of an even more amazing universe than the one your rational mind already knows.