The Door To Our Calling

The Door To Our Calling

Finding our path in life can be stressful. We all want to know that we are on the path to our destiny. But what if time feels like it is running out? This was my story. But God showed me my calling and I believe He can show you yours. Read on to find out how I was led to the door of my life’s calling.

How many times have we kept banging on the same door over and over willing it to open but, alas, it never opens.

Sometimes we gain the courage to knock on a new door but no matter how hard we try it too doesn’t open. Maybe life hits us hard and we find ourselves in front of yet another door. It also is firmly shut.

The natural tendency is to panic and think that we are trapped and will never find the way through to the path that we are meant to travel.

We look around at other people and it seems like they are finding their way with ease. As we focus on their advancement it doubles our panic.

The False Door

I can remember when Linkedin started-up and I found myself reconnecting with old classmates from the architecture program.

It appeared that all were successful architects of some kind. Some were even principals. I never even got my license.

It was completely humiliating and discouraging. I really began to feel like I had missed my calling in life. I had missed my door and now it was too late to walk all the way back down the path and find it.


It simply was not yet time for MY door to be revealed to me.

It wouldn’t be until at least a decade later that it was thrust upon me in a moment of complete clarity.

If I had gone down the road of architecture—yes, the road that included all those years of sacrifice and schooling—I would have been too occupied to see this new door open for me. I just know my roots would have been dug in too deep to want to be uprooted.

I am so thankful I never went down the career path I thought I was supposed to be on all along.

The Door To Our Calling

The wise person knows there is only one door for them. That the other doors are all shut tight doesn’t discourage them but causes a great gratitude instead.

For the fact that they are all locked means that they have been saved the heartache of missing their true path. They know they have been saved from what surely would have been failure and dead ends and journeying back through the doors to get on the right path.

Our door has been reserved just for us.

Think about it—when every other person has knocked on our door it doesn’t budge for them either.

But our door knows us. When we finally find it—when God has, at just the right time, led us to it—it opens with ease at the first knock. It swings wide open and beckons us in. We have found it. We have found our path.

And this path isn’t difficult. It isn’t completely easy but it is comfortable to our feet and we advance quickly. We can’t always see around the bend but if we can just make it to the bend the next one always appears.

The path of our calling never disappears—it’s always visible enough to know we are on it and if we just stick to the path it will lead us to our destiny.

Take Away

If you feel like you have missed your door in life I’m here to tell you that you probably haven’t. There is a story that you are unfolding that is necessary in its own right to lead you to your calling.

The life we live in is so divine. There is an order to everything here but it is above our ways of comprehension at times.

To be spiritually-minded is to be aware that not all is as it appears to human understanding. (tweet this)

The ways of the universe are often backward to the ways of man.

If your door hasn’t been revealed to you yet take heart. God always comes through at just the right time. It is your job to watch, wait, and remain faithful. Expectant hearts receive their desires.


Hello, my name is Aaron Force. I’m a blogger based in Seattle, Washington. I’ve been spiritually-minded for most of my life. Unfortunately, I’ve been carnally-minded for at least as much. I felt a seed of greatness hidden somewhere deep down inside but was blinded from it. That is until I experienced an honest-to-goodness calling and moment of awakening. I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. But I’m here to tell my story and maybe, just maybe, help you become aware of an even more amazing universe than the one your rational mind already knows.