Month: January 2018

3 Steps To Controlling Your Anger

3 Steps To Controlling Your Anger

  As a teenager, I used to have a horrible anger problem. At the time, I was involved in competitive off-road motorcycling. I was obsessed with the sport and went to great lengths to be the best I could be. It was common for me 

4 Tips To Increase Your Confidence

4 Tips To Increase Your Confidence

Some people seem to radiate confidence in every situation. Others flounder and falter with it, barely able to scrape enough together to get up off the couch and face life. Even the most confident people on earth find themselves in situations where their confidence is 

3 Quick Hacks To Boost Your Confidence In A Hurry

3 Quick Hacks To Boost Your Confidence In A Hurry

Although confidence is meant to be an enduring quality there are times when we need to boost it real quick. Sometimes we need to be able to hack into our confidence before it is completely developed. Here are three quick hacks to boost your confidence 

Limiting Beliefs & How They Trap Us

Limiting Beliefs & How They Trap Us

      I have struggled with limiting beliefs for most of my life. There really isn’t an explanation for it but I just never felt capable or worthy. Once I had this mindset, failure in life was nearly guaranteed. That’s because beliefs so powerfully